Thursday, January 27, 2011

~ 2010 / 2011 ~

It has been almost 2 months where i din update my status here.. therefore i'm taking this opportunity to update a little little bit of the major changes within this one month plus while i'm still managing my photo printing.

Refer back to my to-do-list in the last post.. i had get it done half..
For my Job -- Event Planner.. as the name given.. i finally found a job that i desire for at Singapore.
in the beginning.. it's a quite boring work.. i have to face with all the name cards.. more than 500 i think.. i juz have to update update and update.. for my job scope's equation.. [no sales/e-mail = free].. i always find myself an excuse --" i'm still new.. give some time.. my job scope is not only this.."
yay~~ i keep and believe with this excuse.. so.. my job scope slowly and slowly changing and increse (I like to work!!!).. it's a gud news for me.. definitely.. i'm waiting for the challenge..

~ my working place ~

~ the first hamper from my employer ^-^ ~

Year 2011 is definitely a brand new year to me.. a new life, new environment, and new attitude
i have to start my new chapter of life in Singapore.. which is familiar.. yet foreign to me.. travel is always diff with when u really have to stay and work in Singapore.. i have to start adapt myself with the stressful life in Sg as people always said {i always compliment on my adaptation is very strong :p} though my family member is far away from me.. but i still have my lovely dear by my side.. ^-^

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