Saturday, August 21, 2010

~ BBQs in Liverpool ~

Had BBQ in Liverpool twice.. and both with diff gang of frens..
BBQ is Malaysia definitely more fun in UK here.. juz the weather here is cool~~... and cold as well.. nope.. is very cold~~ but.. we had fun.. :)

The 1st BBQ - 020710
We BBQ-ed bacon, marinated chicken wings, sausages ONLY.. limited foods available here.. no choices.. anyways.. these foods definitely not enough to fit our stomach.. some dishes prepared too.. matched potatoes.. fried spagetti.. erm.. it's totally cost us 2.50 pounds only..

Pictures credited to Liny Yeap.. sorry for curi ur pictures.. :p

it's disposable.. very convenient.. 1.48 pounds each..

marinated chicken wings.. yummy

The 2nd BBQ - 170810
This time with Room 16's members.. more foods prepared.. erm.. not more.. is abit more :p
BBQ with cold weather with Beers with lemon juices with cost 2pounds .. not bad.. :)

Pictures credited to Natelie Tan.. this time i take it 光明正大-ly.. hehe :p
(upload later :p)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

~ Manchester - 130610 + 120810 ~

Have been to so many places.. But there re nothing recorded from the first trip till now.. As ppl said.. '从那里开始 ,就从那里结束' {it's weird to use this phrase to start my records on trips..
Nothing relevant at all.. Haha}

The first trip in UK is to visit Manchester at 130610.. And the latest trip so far oso the visit to Manchester.. Yay.. I went there twice.. For the purpose to buy MU jersey for my bro.. No 10 Rooney.. ^-^

130610 - Manchester
B4 depart to Manchester.. The feeling is quite awaited and excited.. It's because it's the first time to go to trip.. The first stand is Old trafford.. The stadium where the MU fans desire to visit.. For example, my bro - Ronaldo Cheah.. dun misunderstood that he admire Ronaldo as his nick name.. He is fan of Rooney.. (but he always change).. So might be diff next time.. :p Visiting the stadium is one of the big experience in my life.. Take a tour in the stadium.. Listen to the tour guide.. But we re busy taking pictures.. He has been ignored.. :p Unfortunely.. The football field is 'resting'.. So cant see the view 100%-ly.. After the tour.. next is Megastore to shop for souvenirs and look for 'stuffs tumpang to buy' from relatives.. But so sorry.. though is cheap.. abt £25/jersey.. But the size available re limited.. ' blank hand' home.. But I bring back a cap.. For myself :p hehe.. Paiseh paiseh..

~ group picture with tour guide ~

~ new cap i bought.. ^-^ ~

City tour after Old Trafford.. passed by the Town Hall and been attracted by its architecture design.. but once u had visited few more cities later.. u will feel nothing special.. start getting bored.. but it's awesome, indeed..

The most recommended attraction to visit is The John Rylands Library.. i like it's interior design so much.. it has a gud study environment.. this place oso gave me some unforgettable memory.. though juz a little small thing.. but i will remember it.. :) unfortunately.. we cant walk trough every corners of the library due to the limitation of time.. but i promise myself.. i will visit this library again if got chance.. at last.. i did it.. ^-^v

~ The John Rylands Library ~

~ the unforgettable memory.. :p ~

Take a walk of abt 15 minutes to the next stand.. Museum of Science & Industry.. erm.. nothing special.. but took a train.. a superb short route for 10 minutes.. cost 1 pound.. it show how the steam train functions.. feeling not very worth.. but paid.. so juz take it as experience.. :p

~ 1 pound for not even 100m ~

~ in the museum ~

Shopping always rank higher for some gals.. i'm excluded i think.. Manchester Arndale.. the shopping heaven in Manchester.. it accumulated some branded shops and others such as Primark, M&S and so on.. BUT!!! we re more interested with the Ferris Wheel in Manchester.. paid 5.50 pounds for student price and take a ride on it.. it's raining so that we have no chance to view through the view in Manchester.. so bad.. another experience.. hehe.. do look forward with London Eye.. ngek ngek~~ {pls stop scaring me for the ride in London.. thanks in advance :p}

~ view beside ferris wheel.. like it.. :) ~

5.30pm.. time to gather to back to Liverpool {that's the weakness of following tour - time limitations}.. walk by Picadilly Garden.. but ofcoz still remember to back to China Town to buy our instant meal - 出前一丁instant noodle.. 麻油 + 香辣.. delicious-nya~~ ^-^v

~ Metrolink Tram ~

~ Picadilly Garden ~

120810 - Second Visit
Due to no stock of jersey.. so decided to pay the 2nd visit to Megastore.. however.. this time visited with diff status.. diff feeling and with diff 'fren'.. as per my request.. I came to Manchester again with ur companion.. thanks :) jersey bought.. 'stuffs tumpang' bought.. but paiseh to dajie and erjie.. cant help buy anything from there.. :(

~ the souvenirs + tumpang stuffs ~

The John Rylands Library visited as per promised.. but at the end only noticed there is nothing much more to discover.. it's juz 2 levels of it.. nothing more.. haiz~~ but no regret.. :)

This time we more focus on the side of The Quay (near Old Trafford).. pass by the Lowry bridge.. having lunch in the foodcourt of Lowry Outlet Mall due to raining.. the first shopping mall i found in UK.. which all the shop is under the roof.. coz the so called 'shopping centre in UK is that all shops are with its independent building.. tried Chicken Cottage.. 99p for 3 spicy fried chicken wings.. not bad.. but salty.. a must ingredient in UK - Salt !!! for example.. fries and fried chicken..


~ the shopping mall - Lowry Outlet Mall ~

~ Salty fried chicken ~

~ own lunchbox + Salty fried chicken ~

~ the shopping mall - Lowry Outlet Mall ~

Overall the trip is wonderful..
though there re some small little unhappy things.. but no big deal.. it has been settled.. i will try my best as wat i told u b4.. believe me.. :)

~ Jacket and polo T for Bro and Dad :) - from sport direct ~