Friday, December 10, 2010

~ To-do list ~

~ To-do List ~

+ Update blog entries {UK/Europe Trips, Graduation, and so on} +
+ "Idea"-storming {plan and plan and plan.. up-set at the end!!} +
+ Photo selecting {to print out and create albums} +
+ Jon huntings {as wat's my work now} +
+ drama marathon {i'm outdated} +
+ Room keeping +
+ Bf's present +
+ data research +
+ +++++++++ +
many and many more !

i juz have a pair of hand.. but indeed.. i have plenty of time.. i admit that i never fully utilised my time to settle all the 'jobs' above.. it's juz been delayed delayed and delayed..

Abt the job huntings.. i feel tired of it.. it make me realised that finding jobs in Singapore is not really that easy by juz stay at home and click click click {shud i get a singapore sim card?? would it make my job hunting in singapore become smoother? i wonder }..
I'm stressful.. stress from the family and my unfavourable situation.. especially the high expectation from myself in term of everythings.. i hope everything i done is almost perfect based on my ability.. ~
i need someone to talk to.. but i would rather choose to talk to myself..
yay.. i got the ability to recover myself..
think it positively.. i will recover soon.. take everything easy..
..but not everyone can do so.. :(

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