Wednesday, December 1, 2010

~ My 22nd Birthday { 020910 } ~

Date: 02/09/2010
Venue: Liverpool, United Kingdom

My 22nd birthday, it was the first time where I celebrates my birthday in a foreign country.. sumore is very far from my hometown.. this year celebrations re without my dear family members who will buy a cake and sing birthday song to me or go and have a big meal.. without diff gangs of frens to hang out and celebrate with me.. however, it was still a memorable birthday for me, other that can celebrate birthday oversea, i have a group of animals fren celebrate with me.. and the most important and memorable is.. i got my Mr. Right to accompany by my side, and it's oso the first celebration with him.. sweet-nya~~

A week go~~~
the head of the of animals -- lizard.. came to knock my door and pretend that wan to borrow my hair dryer as he always do.. but when i open my door.. the others (my lovely and cute housemates) start to present the remixed version of birthday song to me.. i'm surprised.. really surprised.. coz my birthday still got a week more.. it's unbelievable.. haha.. thank you so much for the presents.. it nice.. i like it very much.. ^-^

~ presents from House 16 and Natelie ~

Birthday eve~~~
it's is the final nite we stay in Atlantic point as the next day we have to depart to Europe.. therefore.. we had organize a mini makan-makan party cum mini birthday celebration.. everyone of us have to prepare her own dish.. then my dish of the day is -- 卤猪肉.. it's my very first time to cook this dish after few advices from my home chef -- grandma.. hehe.. it was tasty... yummy yummy~~ have to thanks to lizard, hippo, cat, elephant, sy and py for the birthday hat.. and thanks dear to wear it for me.. it's really funny.. haha.. and this is another surprise.. coz i tot it's juz a simple makan-makan party.. :p

~ the dishes.. it's too much indeed ~
{loh mee, coked chicken wing, 卤猪肉, 梅菜猪肉, Kupo 鸡丁, 红豆沙汤圆,fry sausage and fries,jasmine jelly,salad }

~ My first try - 卤猪肉 ~

~ Birthday Hat ~

~ I'm the most lucky one to have u all by my side ~

~ it juz exist for the last nite.. haha ~

but surprises never end.. it sumore become bigger and bigger.. Months b4 my birthday.. U keep on ask me wat do I wan for my present.. U keep on tell me u duno wat to buy for me.. U keep on tell me on the actual day u wan to bring me go Liverpool One for one day shopping and so on.. As time past and past.. I really believe on it.. believe till the last minute the big surprise came.. U re successfully 'washed my brain' and install the fake 'concept' to me.. Haha.. I'm appreciate with wat u did to me.. Thanks for ur efforts and everything.. I'm regret that I always complain in heart that u re not romantic enough.. But act u do and did alot things secretly behind me..
Thanks my dear~~ love u.. Muackzz :p

~ delivery... =.='' ~

~ present that i love the most.. something i wan it for so long.. muackzz ^-^~
{ it hide somewhere.. U shud thanks that that day is the last day.. so my room is messy }

The Actual day~~
it's oso the last day in Liverpool.. other than keeping the room and flat.. i still can spare some time to hang out with U.. {have to thanks to my dear housemates so considerate} go and have the last fish and chips at Lobster Port as U said., but no shopping.. first time enter into another library-- Avril Robarts LRC.. but juz to photocopy something.. :p
my day end on the bus where we travel down to Europe..

~ My birthday on 2010.. I'm heartily blessed. ~
Thanks to all the wishes and sorry that I'm unable to thanks to u all personally in fb as when I able to do so.. it's too late.. { it's bcos i'm busy with packing my stuff to leave liverpool and hard to access to internet during my Europe trips.. Really sorry~~ }

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