Sunday, February 20, 2011

~LJMU COnvocation 2011 ~

I'm officially graduated !!!

After few days of busy.. I'm now back to Singapore again.. For the past 3 weeks.. I back to Malaysia very often due to CNY.. but for last week.. Is specially for my degree convocation (still might have graduation for higher studies :p) which held at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC) at 19th Feb 2011 !! {it's oso our 8 mths anniversary.. Muackzz~~}

On the day of 19th.. I'm busy from 6 morning till 12nite.. Wake up early for make up and preparation.. Then when reach KLCC have to queue up for long one to register as well as to collect our gown.. But luckily there are somebody help us up on wearing the gown. It's much more systematic then Tarc which is like pasar malam,. We have to compare each gown by each to see which is the best one for us.. Next proceed to group photo and breakfast.. Our schedule is tight.. {time management is important} After the first one then have to rush for another one.. Huh~~ tired.. But I do enjoy the process as this is the only one degree graduation in my life (though tis is the 3rd graduation.. Hehe)

Dad and mum bought a photography package which cost us RM 520.. This is the sole photograph company provided in the hall.. If u re not taking any package.. Then u can say bye bye to ur stage photo.. The cheapest one shown in website is RM 180.. Sound reasonable.. But when u go and enquire on it.. U only noe that it's juz for 4R size.. All 4R.. U wan bigger size?? Can~~~ Pay money loh.. Add this and that.. Total RM 520.. but I still will think that I become water fish.. Coz for self portrait.. Click click click,, then family photo.. Click click click.. RM 520 gone without viewing the pictures taken.. But.. No choice.. I have to accept this 'style'

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