Friday, April 8, 2011

~ Frustrated Works !! ~

I keep on claiming that i'm free and nothing to do during my working hour...

finally.. there are some works for me after i threw my claimssss to my manager.. End up.. "you max emailing to your contacts for the event space", " help 'him' contact the vendors at Suntec whether they are interested with the event".. if i can predict wat are the rubbish job throw to me.. i rather not to ask and continue my facebook !!!!!!

I noe, even manager oso have to do emailing and approach to customers by their own... max emailing is in my job scope, i accept.. though i dun like to work on it..

!!! But!!!

when u have to "clean the rubbish" of another who threw and never 'clean' it or just 'clean' part of it.. will you 100% willing to help 'him' out?????? For me.. Carmen Cheah.. I'm 100000% unwilling to do so!!

but wat to do?? i still have to do it..

I have to make up my mind faster and not to waste time as a 'clerk' anymore..

(that's wat i always say.. but not really take action on it.. is it human being?? doubting !!! )

At this moment.. i miss my dear damn damn much..

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