Wednesday, March 30, 2011

~ Chomp Chomp Nite - 29032011 ~

Chomp Chomp Food Centre.. for a foreigner.. u may think that it's simply a hawker centre.. but for local, it cen be considere as a foods heaven whereby most delicious dishes are gathered in this common yet famous fhawker centre..

It's hard to find dishes something like chicken rice, japanese dishes, western foods or those big portion foods.. what u can find here re ikan bakar; satay; oyster omelete; chili sauce lala; popiah; carrot cake, char kuey teow, Satay Mee Hoon, BBQ chicken wings and many many more.. (wat i meantioned re the dishes we ordered for 5 persons.. ^-* )

Maybe I'm Malaysian, i will think that the taste can be more heavy.. But overall~~ it's satisfied.. :) we very enjoy the dinner last nite.. we re like long time never eat nice food.. haha..

Enjoy the pictures below.. but quality of the picture.. please juz ignore it.. :p